District Leadership & Staff

Dr. Brett Charleston Superintendent
James Canellas Business Administrator/Board Secretary
Gregory Van Nest
Assistant Superintendent
Dr. Jennifer MacKay
Director of Special Services
Dr. Lauren Daniell  Director of Student Personnel Services
Michelle Giurlando
HS/MS Principal 
Maria Rivera High School Assistant Principal
Louis Ferrara Middle School Assistant Principal
Jodie Craft Byrd School Principal
Krista LaCroix
Central School Principal
Edward Thompson
Coleman School Principal
Kristin Gomez Hamilton School Principal
Frank Violante
Athletic Director
Robert McCorry
Director of Security
Michael Valentino
Supervisor, K-12 Science
Paul Cusack
Supervisor, K-12 Instructional and Educational Technology/Media Center
Michelle Della Fortuna
Supervisor, K-12 Mathematics
Shari Krapels
Supervisor, K-12 English
Victoria Lubrano
Supervisor, K-12 Special Services
Manny Morelli
Supervisor, K-12 Social Studies and Business 
Rich Santos
Network Administrator/Engineer
Don Mutch
Supervisor of Buildings and Grounds
Linda Cubby Director of Community School 
Tara Hopfenspirger Director of Community Relations
Colleen Naumov Administrative Assistant to the Business Administrator/Board Secretary
Jeanne Marie Dalie Administrative Assistant to the Superintendent & Assistant Superintendent
Laurie Babin Director of Human Resources
Jennifer Nolasco Administrative Assistant to the Director of Human Resources
Dina Shilitz Accounting Coordinator
Barbara O'Brien Payroll Manager
Barbora Scheer-Nutland Data Coordinator / Central Registrar
Kristie Dodd Accounting Clerk
Carol Mancuso           Accounts Payable Clerk
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